Boiler Technicians Course(5 days)

Boiler Technicians Course

Target Participants: Practicing Boiler Operators and Maintenance Technicians

Duration: 30-Hour

This is a structured and comprehensive training course customised to local manufacturing and operating environment to enable efficient, economic and clean boiler operation.

Candidates will be provided with relevant information and knowledge to review their installation and their operational practices to achieve the above targets. They will also have to undertake a couple of assignments and a final examination.

Course Contents:-
1 Understanding properties of steam
2 Burners
3 Thermal efficiency of boiler
4 Calculating steam & other related costs
5 Fuels
6 Fuel Treatment
7 Boiler water treatment
8 Practical sessions in water treatment
9 Steam condensate
10 Assignment 1 + Mini-projects
11 Blow-down
12 Insulation of hot pipes and vessels
13 Boiler Installation
14 Chimney
15 Steam Distribution System
16 Site visit
17 Flash Steam & other heat recovery possibilities
18 Good Practice
19 Operational & Maintenance Log books, checklists
20 Assignment 2
21 Safety aspects
22 Presentation of Assessed Projects
23 Examination