Efficient Generation and Use of Steam(3 Days)

Efficient Generation and Use of steam – 3 Day

Target Participants: Production & Maintenance Managers, Supervisors & Technicians

Duration: 3 Days

A properly operated Boiler not only allows appreciable savings in fuel costs, but it also contributes significantly towards increasing production volumes. This course will directly deal with the efficiency, safety and productivity aspects of boilers.

A more Basic 1 day version of this course is also available.

Day 1 Course Contents:-
1Properties of steam
2Fire tube boilers
3Water tube boilers
4Other types of boilers
5Thermic fluid heaters
6Electric heaters
7Solar panels
8Direct steam injection
9Steam coils
10Steam jackets
11types of burners
12application of different burners
13Selection of burners
14tuning of burner
15Combustion efficiency
16Measuring combustion efficiency
17Heat transfer efficiency
18Utilization efficiency
19Boiler water treatment
Day 3 Course Contents:-
1Chimney height calculations
2emission velocities of flue gas
3Chimney design
4Heat recovery possibilities
5Good practice and appropriate maintenance
6Safety Aspects
Day 2 Course Contents:-
1Boiler Blowdown
2Steam Condensate
3Steam Distribution Systems